You can benefit from being on the web with a cost-effective plan.
Includes a business-card presence on the web (1 page). We’ll take your logo, pictures and text, slogan or message, and address and other contact information and design an attractive web page for you. Provide keywords, and we will include them for free. This way your presence on the web will begin to be indexed by the search engines.
This will get you started and you can build your site over time in a cost-effective manner. You will have a way for people to find you on the web and a professional email address with your domain. Two layout changes/adjustments are included. Assistance in digitizing and preparing images and additional services are available at rates provided on our rate sheet. (All communication via phone, internet conferencing or email.)
This was AtlantiCare's first site design. We trained the staff at AtlantiCare on digital design tools for both print and web. We created their original website and managed all aspects while training. The design was a collaboration with Mary Lou Faulk, the in-house graphic designer.
We trained the staff at the Rescue Mission on webdesign. Below is their original webpage.
Small Site Package $700 or $49/month.
Includes 1-year of hosting and 5 pages. You provide text and graphics in an organized and preferably digital format, and you will have it attractively presented on the web

This research was done on Sustainability for Cambridge University. It is an example of an extensive online form. The population surveyed (mostly at universities) required high response rates from around the world.
The form provided an efficient way to gather a high rate of responses. It was taken down in 2004, but I posted it here.
We created and maintained the web site for an exciting energy research company- Blacklight Power. In 1995, when we first started working on this project for Atlantic Energy (now Atlantic City Electric), almost every science-oriented site had default gray backgrounds. We started with white to make the text more legible, but also designed with a black background.
Parts from our original work for BlackLight Power. (Reposted on our server with their permission.)
This was an extensive site, and many pdf files for the theory pages which have formulas that wouldn't work well in html, so we were very early adoptors of Adobe's Acrobat Portable Document Format - pdf.
We designed and managed their website off and on - most recently until March 2016. We resumed managing their current site in January 2019. See: http://www.brilliantlightpower.com.
We designed a number of logo graphics for them during the change in their name from black light to brilliant light.
Most of our time is spent serving a stable base of clientele, but we are always interested in establishing new long-term relationships.
Here is a sampling of current web work.
- Hydrogen Energy Research (WordPress)
- Ed Steer Gold & Silver Digest (WordPress)
- Golf Architect Site (WordPress)
- Dr. Nicholas Garg (WordPress)
- Physician Office (WordPress)
- Sales Associates (WordPress)
- POM-Homeinspections.com (WordPress)
- Christian Organization (WordPress)
- HVAC Service Company (WordPress)
- Scriptwriter (WordPress)